Bump Server

Dankaria [1.3]


Last Online October, 11 2015 This server has been offline for more then two weeks and is no longer being actively scanned by tserverweb.com. The server owner can login to fix this.
:: ::

:: IP ::

:: t.dankaria.com ::

:: Port ::

:: 7777 ::

:: Website ::


:: Steam Group ::



:: Normal Mode Server = Port 7777 ::

:: Hard Mode Server = Port 7778 ::

:: Cheater/Griefer Protection ::

:: House Protection ::

:: Nightly Automated Boss Battles ::

:: Server Side Economy and Shop ::

:: Very Active Staff and Player Community ::

:: Capture the Flag ::

:: Clans ::


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Recent Comments

Does it works with v1.3.0.1 ??
by DoThiam on 07-03-2015

It's running the latest version right now.
by DankBud (server staff)

Took away SSC, no point now. I can just jump on with a powered character and screw around. If I wanted that, there's a bunch of other servers to do that on.

by Metalosse on 05-26-2014

Or you could make a new character and play just like if ssc was on. Oh well, I might add it back next map reset, a lot of people said they like ssc off tho. I don't know, ill make a poll on the site.
by DankBud (server staff)


by Anonymouse on 12-29-2013

Legit terraria sends this to the server if you do not send one it means that your terraria is modded and not supported here. by DankBud (server staff)

This is the perfect server, but, are a griefers hackers etc, but this is awesome!
by Trollersh on 12-08-2013

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