Bump Server

Saybrook's Planet


Last Online April, 03 2015 This server has been offline for more then two weeks and is no longer being actively scanned by tserverweb.com. The server owner can login to fix this.
Server info:
Max Players: 30
Site: http://sbplanet.freeforums.org

How to play? Simple.

1. Connect to our world with a new character.
2. Register by doing /register
3. Login by doing /login yourpassword
4. Read the sign and play!

Our world uses tshock's implementation of Server Side Characters. This means that your character's stats, gear, etc. are all stored on the server. You are free to play with your character on any world or single player - once you log back in to our world you will pick up where you left off with your saved stats and gear! Awesome!

The economy currently features a customized, in-game currency (lowest to highest denomination):

100 bits = 1 orb. 100 orbs = 1 crystal. Etc.

With this currency, you can acheive higher ranks, become a different class, such as a mage, fighter, ranged or builder, or purchase items! You can also gamble for more currency or try to steal from others! You also gain currency by killing mobs and bosses.

Our world is run by a great staff that maintains a great community. If you are looking for a world where endgame content will not be spoiled on day 1 by people hacking gear in that is truly dedicated then you have found your new home. Our server has been around for 2 years and is proud of our player community and unending service.

Please don't block our adverts, TServerWeb is free to use but we have servers to pay for too!

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Recent Comments

Hey everyone - if you need help on the server or aren't sure about something, then visit the link below (it goes to the official forums for SBPlanet):


by Anonymous Anomoly on 02-26-2014

I been in this server since i bought the game this is the best server i been in and everyone is very helpful give it a try i recommend it n.n i been working hard for new players even if i'm not a Mod i like to help new players 
by Pablo on 02-20-2014

Here is my review of the server:

by OK_from_Saybrooks on 02-19-2014

Ummm I need help I want to know how to get onto the resource land because I need resources
by Anonymouse on 01-23-2014

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