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Rating323 likes & 39 dislikes
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@ are you me or am i you
they should add a system that allows people to choose what map comes next on zombies game mode
please add on mobuke
by Anonymous on 10-24-2019
Also staffs are really fair, so don't disrespect them. They are the developer or chosen friend. They only ban you when you cheat or be inappropriate commentary. Lastly, The master of this game should earn a metal for god of all weopons and armory and pets and crafting material. Still in w.i.p
by Jawstankjake2 on 12-03-2015
Also staffs are really fair, so don't disrespect them. They are the developer or chosen friend. They only ban you when you cheat or be inappropriate commentary. Lastly, The master of this game should earn a metal for god of all weopons and armory and pets and crafting material. Still in w.i.p
by Jawstankjake2 on 12-03-2015
Best game, i wish i could give you more likes than i play cookie clicker. Also having the most newly gear (Meowere) and having to have the gears with the most damage and armory. Although its still in W.I.P ill wait patiently for new gear to come.
by Jawstankjake2 on 12-03-2015
great server I can tell a lot of work went into it. Join it,my favriot server :D
by frog on 08-06-2015
this is a great server but it takes a look time to join
ATM it does not show my real name but I have a question what is there to do??
My name was Dick and I was banned can you unbann me. I don't know how to change my name . It asked me to but I don't know how
by Dick on 08-21-2014
Playing there for more than 200 hours, and I will keep for much more.
This Is da best server ever I will give it a +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000w000000000000000000000000000000000
by Victor555 server member on 06-29-2014
This is an amazing server, I recommend this one out of all of them! The staff are so nice, and the world is great! This is coming from Legoman!
by Legoman/chenaley on 04-02-2014
this is my favorite server right now and i think it is really nice to spawn your own bosses for once so no begging staff for bosses! :)
by DragonSlayer on 03-19-2014
Awesome server going to bump it everyday. When you join the lovely staff greet you.You also get to make many new friends you get to build.......ETC... i LOVE this server so much!
yes. the server did update.
by Zues (Super Admin/secret third owner) on 01-27-2014
when will this server be back on???
Did darkGaming add in 2013 update stuff
by Anonymouse on 11-25-2013
Although the website is still the right one :p
by Zues (Super Admin/secret third owner) on 11-05-2013
Although the website is still the right one :p
by Zues (Super Admin/secret third owner) on 11-05-2013
This is Zues, staff on the server. i havent make an account on this website or whatever but the server has a new IP because some one else is now hosting it. same owner, just a new hoster. also i cant remember the IP so ya.... and that means this page is outdated.
P.S i realized i dont need to make an account to post as someone other than anonymous
lol I think I know who the ONE dislike is from...
by Anonymouse on 08-19-2013
i hate this game and demon banned me so he is mean i didnt do anything
by annie on 07-22-2013
If you break any of the rules you get banned. DEMON is very strict on these rules. He doesn't ban people for no reason though. by popstarfreas (server staff)
Are characters for survival outside the server used?
by Anonymous on 08-26-2022