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RenCorner's Terraria Server!
Running TShock
Hosted in Dallas, Texas
Contact Info
Server: ter.rencorner.co:7777
IRC: irc.rencorner.co #rc-terraria
Forums: www.rencorner.co
TeamSpeak3: ts.rencorner.co
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RenCorner
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RenCorner
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rencorner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RencornerNetwork
About the server
-Running TShock
-Apply for VIP @ http://rencorner.co/index.php/topic/4887-read-this-before-apply-for-vip-in-terraria/
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hey, how do i get out of the spawn of being frozen
by Anonymous on 06-20-2015
This sever is awesome.
by OLD on 04-29-2015
hello don't post this but swag had vip but he doesn't have it now id like vip to but I don't need it. please leave me some commet.
by OLD and swag on 04-29-2015
When you first join the server, you get a few pages. Read them, they are informative. This one in particular about registering:
You must /register YourPass when you first joined here. You must /login YourPass after you join! Type !help for a few commands you may use.
by jks101 on 06-28-2015