Bump Server

RenCorner #1 [] - TShock


Last Online July, 10 2024 This server has been offline for more then two weeks and is no longer being actively scanned by tserverweb.com. The server owner can login to fix this.

RenCorner's Terraria Server!
Running TShock for
Hosted in Dallas, Texas

Contact Info
Server: ter.rencorner.com:7777

IRC: irc.rencorner.com #rc-terraria

Forums: www.rencorner.com

TeamSpeak3: ts.rencorner.com

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RenCorner

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RenCorner

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rencorner

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RencornerNetwork

About the server

-Running TShock

-Apply for VIP @ http://rencorner.com/index.php/topic/4887-read-this-before-apply-for-vip-in-terraria/

Please don't block our adverts, TServerWeb is free to use but we have servers to pay for too!

  • host: ter.rencorner.co
  • port: 7777
RenCorner.com #2 - Test
  • host: ter.rencorner.co
  • port: 7778

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Recent Comments

When you first join the server, you get a few pages. Read them, they are informative. This one in particular about registering:
You must /register YourPass when you first joined here. You must /login YourPass after you join! Type !help for a few commands you may use.

by jks101 on 06-28-2015

hey, how do i get out of the spawn of being frozen
by Anonymous on 06-20-2015

This sever is awesome.

by OLD on 04-29-2015

hello don't post this but swag had vip but he doesn't have it now id like vip to but I don't need it. please leave me some commet.

by OLD and swag on 04-29-2015

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