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Kingdom Of Arkovia


Last Online June, 30 2024 This server has been offline for more then two weeks and is no longer being actively scanned by tserverweb.com. The server owner can login to fix this.
Hello and welcome to the Kingdom of Arkovia!

Our Kingdom currently has several lands to explore, only our citizens can claim land, and build houses. Visitors are always welcome, however, they must go through our borders and complete a few courses to become a citizen of Arkovia. After becoming a citizen of Arkovia, you can help our Kingdom kill off our enemies in exchange for helping us, you will be rewarded with the ability to rank up. Ranking in our Kingdom gives you special powers, commands, and items. The Kingdom Of Arkovia is currently under heavy construction please excuse our mess as we expand and build a better Kingdom.

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please let our King or Queen know, We love hearing from our citizens and work hard to respond in a quick fashion. We would appreciate your votes, Please take a moment to vote for our Kingdom at https://terraria-servers.com, as a token of gratitude you might be rewarded with something special.

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