Bump Server



Last Online June, 30 2024 This server has been offline for more then two weeks and is no longer being actively scanned by tserverweb.com. The server owner can login to fix this.
WhunderWORLD ~ It's a Whunderful Life! 
Est. October 2012 - 2023!

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Remember: You can pick your friends and you can pick your blocks, but you shouldn't picksaw your friends blocks!

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Recent Comments

I wish I can play again on this server as it's admin tier 3 but my PC is broken in many ways so I can't really join the server I played since I first set eyes on it,

By a random old admin

by Admin on 08-30-2018

We miss you! by IamUSER (server staff)

Amazing, simple, and easy to start. Friendly staff.
by Anonymous on 01-16-2018

Thank you :) by IamUSER (server staff)

Favorite Server Ever!
by Turtleboi on 11-22-2017

When will do you guys think when the server goes back up...?
by Anonymous on 12-01-2016

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